Procedure for the Issuer of environmental units

Install and run Metamask plug-in for Google Chrome at

Go to DAO IPCI dApp at

In the DAO IPCI dApp interface at insert 0x0091DeC954D68362608Dc90A606F638FBadf21D4 address is in “DAO address” field . Make sure the DAO address, the selected environmental program (ex. IPCI) are correct and enter Issuer interface

Create registry and security reserve contract for the units to be issued, and communicate the addresses the the Operator and the Independent Entity

The Operator and the Independent Entity then perform their part of the Procedure; the Operator approves of the Issuers contract and establishes the limit and validity period for the units to be registered (issued); the Independent Entity registers the environmental units and transfers them to the the Issuer's environmental units registry withholding certain agreed share (percentage) of the units for a certain period of time (if necessary).

Total limit established by the Operator would be equal to the amount of the same environmental units of the same origin (climate program and project) verified (assured) or available to the Issuer in the original Registry. The limit established by the Independent Entity would be equal to the amount of original environmental units retired at the original registry due to transfer to DAO IPCI or verified (assured) on ex-post basis.

The Issuer may then check the balance at proceed with trading operations

Procedure for the Independent entity to register environmental units

In the DAO IPCI dApp interface at make sure the correct DAO address is in the “DAO address”field.

Make sure you have chosen the correct environmental program in DAO IPCI decentralized application interface

Enter the Independent Entity menu

Create Independent Entity's contract indicating the name of environmental units and Issuer’s contract address

After the Operator has added the contract to the Auditor's' Contract List (ACL) and has established the total limit and validity period for the environmental units to be issued, the Independent Entity establishes the limit for the units to be registered, security reserve percentage and period withholding certain agreed share (percentage) of the units for a certain period of time (if necessary), registers the environmental units and transfers them to the IssuerIndependent entity should upload documentation in support of registration of environmental units

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